Key Collection
For your convenience, we have equipped the entrance door with an electronic lock so that you can arrive at any time without having to hand over your keys.

When heading to the facility, enter the following in the maps:
"Villa Pod Wyciągiem Spytkowice"
Enter the code received in the SMS or email, the code is a four-digit code validated by #
Select the box with the number that matches the room number you received in the message
The gate is open, just move it
After entering the correct code, the zakem will light up and you will hear a sound confirming the correct code. Then press the handle and push the door hard.
Pull the lock cover down and then enter the code (the code is the same as for the front door)
It is forbidden to open other boxes, the room is monitored
Park according to the diagram on the entrance door
Go to the wall with hiding places.
After entering the code, make sure all the numbers are in a straight line. Then pull down the black lever next to the lock while pulling the locker door towards you
Inside there is a key to the room, at the end of your stay leave the key in the lock of the room door.
1 2 3 are located on the 1st floor
4 5 6 are located on the 2nd floor